Thanks for visiting TACC’s Blog. We look forward to sharing in greater detail the ideas, people, and organizations that drive our work in Boston and in cities across the United States.
Our mission and all that we share is anchored in our belief that by working together with local residents and a range of entities in a single neighborhood, we can address complex problems – and in time – help transform distressed neighborhoods into places where urban families flourish.
We urge you to follow TACC on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter in addition to this blog. We promise not to inundate you, but are excited to share with you our views on important community issues, policies and ideas that affect cities, the progress of our projects, as well as introductions to people and partnerships that matter to us.
To contribute to our blog, please email contact@tamcc.org
Welcome to the TACC Blog.
July 14, 2020
Black Owned Restaurants in Nubian Square
Posted by TACC
With Governor Charlie Baker implementing Phase 3 of ‘Reopening Massachusetts’ into motion early last week, we must continue to support all businesses in our community, especially Black owned businesses! There are a multitude of Black owned businesses and restaurants in Boston, many of which can be found within Nubian Square. Nubian Square is known for…
June 1, 2020
Statement on Racial Injustice
Posted by TACC
TACC stands in solidarity with youth, community members, and activists who are protesting in Roxbury, Boston, and nationally, giving voice to those who have consistently and generationally had their humanity derogated, and resisting inequity. Violence and injustice should never be normal. Unfortunately, in Roxbury and other centers of Black life, joy, and culture, the…
May 12, 2020
Posted by TACC
TACC stands with the Roxbury community and reemphasizes its commitment to contributing to a coordinated and collaborative approach with the City of Boston, Roxbury Main Streets, businesses, elected officials, and residents to mitigate the economic impacts of the coronavirus on Nubian Square. As Roxbury faces new and unanticipated economic challenges, there is a critical need…
September 29, 2018
Michael Corcoran joins the TACC Board
Posted by TACC
Michael J. Corcoran is President of Corcoran Jennison Companies, a real estate development and management firm with more than 4 billion dollars’ worth of assets under management and development. Michael has been with Corcoran Jennison for the past 30 years. Corcoran Jennison provides a full-range of real estate services including acquisition/disposition, feasibility, financing, planning and…
July 9, 2018
Roxbury Cultural District Awarded Grant by the National Trust for Historic Preservation
Posted by TACC
Read the entire press release here: RCD_AACHAF_Press Release_7.9.18
June 11, 2018
2018 TACC Brochure
Posted by TACC
See the entire brochure here: 2018 Summer TACC Brochure HIRES
May 23, 2018
MassDevelopment Launches Commonwealth Places Campaign
Posted by TACC
MassDevelopment and the civic crowdfunding platform Patronicity have launched a new Commonwealth Places campaign with The American City Coalition to bring new life to the old Comfort Station on Columbia Road by transforming it into the Sip & Spoke Bike Kitchen, a local café and bike repair shop. Read the entire press release here: https://www.massdevelopment.com/news/boston-nonprofit-launches-commonwealth-places-campaign-to-bring-community/
January 24, 2018
TACC Launches Waterways to Connect Residents to the Waterfront
Posted by TACC
Read the entire press release here: Press Release_TACC Waterways 1.24.18_FINAL
September 29, 2017
Charlayne Murrell-Smith Joins TACC’s Board of Directors
Posted by TACC
September 29, 2017 BOSTON - The Board of Directors of The American City Coalition (TACC) today announces the appointment of Charlayne Murrell-Smith, Roxbury resident and Vice President at Boston Children’s Museum, to the Board of Directors. “We are excited to add Charlayne’s insights as both a resident and leader,” said Christine Araujo, Executive Director. “Her…
July 5, 2017
TACC Open House
Posted by TACC
2136 Washington Street was abuzz with lively conversation and filled with both new and familiar faces on June 20th. Thank you to the many supporters, partners, and community members who joined us to learn more about TACC's current work and exciting upcoming projects. Check out some photos from the evening below and we hope to…